Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Pit

So here I am, outside of my body and floating in the air... That's right, and yes it's Biblical (2 Corinthians 12_1-4)

I then saw an angel in the form of a man to my right, but because I'm so aware of the demonic realm I rebuked the angel, thinking it was a demon, and commanded it to leave! Ha! It didn't seem to leave, it simply faded from my view... Many in church history believed that at times angels would bring revelations from God to us in the forms of dreams and visions... But that is a discussion for another day...

Anyways, here I am in the air, and I began floating away from where the angel was and towards a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a big hole in the ground, it must have been 50 feet in diameter and it went down for what seemed to be forever. I saw the souls of those who were down there, in what seemed to be Hell or some place like it, and the torment they were in.

Now I know that many of you are expecting to read about flames as tall as evergreens and demons with big whips tormenting the damned for eternity, but this is not what I saw. Perhaps God has made a place like that, I do not know... But the source of agony for those I saw seemed to be not physical at all. Every single person in this pit was plagued by an intense longing, with desires so strong and thick and tangible, like that of a person who has held their breath underwater too long and everything within them is screaming to take a breath. These desires were the source of their suffering, the very fires that burned them from within, and yet even so, they would never have the satisfaction of having these desires fulfilled... And the knowledge of this made it even worse! At least when you drown you get relief eventually, but none was in store for those who were trapped in this pit. They would just continue on forever in this place... It seemed the souls were revolving around it in circles around the edge, and the movement was kicking up what looked like dust up into the air, almost as a memorial to them...

As I hovered above this hole, I began to feel myself get grabbed by this agony, and the weight of it began to pull me down towards the hole below. I was terrified, but then the Lord closed the vision, and I was back in my room.

As I reflected on the vision, I remembered that a woman had prophesied over me years earlier that God would give me a vision of Hell, and I had pretty much given up on that word and thought it was bunk. But I guess we shouldn't judge prophecy too soon, because it did come. This vision really did defy my views on Hell, because it really looked nothing like I would have ever imagined.

Anyways, allow God to conquer the sinful desires and passions within you, or else they will be the very source of your torment for all of eternity...

And don't go become a doomsday "prophet" or something, don't run around preaching Hellfire and Brimstone, but remember, even in Hell God has a certain degree of mercy and fairness, just as Jesus said: "And that slave who knew his master's will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few." Luke 12:47-48

In Summary; Hell: You don't want to go there.