Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Never Ending Flow...

It was a normal worship set, nothing too irregular...  

Suddenly I found myself in what seemed to be a tunnel of invisible light.  I know, hard to explain and that probably makes no sense to you...  Well, let's just say, it happened.
In this tunnel of light, there were various colors of the rainbow, dancing around and flowing, almost like they were a liquid.
As I looked around this tunnel, I could see what looked to be TV screens everywhere.  There weren't any TV's, but just the screens with various images on them.
As I turned to my right to look towards the source of this tunnel, I could see 2 angels, and behind them a light...  
This light looked almost like the top stone of a pyramid, except it didn't stick straight up, but outward on the side.  I could tell it was like the tip of an iceberg. and that behind some dark wall that seemed to be there, there was a bunch more light that I could not see...

Then I was back in the worship set.

Do you struggle to hear God?  Let me tell you, there is a never ending flow of the revelatory coming out of God's presence right now, that you have full access to because of the finished work of the cross.  All you have to do is tap in.  
In scripture, it says that we have the "mind of Christ".  Have any of you ever had a dirty thought?  Did you think that was Christ's mind?  Me neither...  But then, what does this passage mean?  I believe that it means that we have a continual, 24 hour a day access to the thoughts of God due to this river, this stream of revelation, this tunnel of revelatory light that flows from the throne of God.

Your inheritance is to hear Him and to see Him.  Never settle for less and never let religion rob you of your blood bought right to know the mind of God.

Here's some good news:  You never have to struggle to hear God again...  He has made it ALL available to you!  Simply receive by faith.  

It's all by faith...