Sunday, February 14, 2010

His ever changing face

Date: 2/12/10

Type: Dream that led into an internal open vision trance

Here I am, in this room with some guy and it's clear that we're not getting along...
Then from the room to the right a bright light begins to shine and we both knew that Jesus had entered the room! Suffice to say our petty disagreement took a back seat to what we were just about to experience. I expected Jesus to be all covered in white light, kinda how I picture He looked at the transfiguration, but when I got there He didn't look how I expected Him to...

At this point I'm seeing this as though it were literally with my eyes and the Spirit is on me to such a degree that my body is paralyzed...

He looked like glowing, molten metal. Fire was around Him as well...

The first words out of my mouth were, "My Best Friend!!!" I was rather excited (You would be too! After all, there was Jesus in right front of me!)

As I got closer, I saw His face was more or less like the traditional Jesus, He had long hair and a nice thick brown beard. Ahh yes, the face of Jesus! But then something happened, something that made me question if this whole experience was really God or not... His face changed.

It went from the traditional face of Jesus and turned into the face of a young man. Then, after a few moments, it morphed into the face of an older man... His face just kept changing! I couldn't really get a lock on what He looked like, and to be honest it frustrated me!

Then the spiritual sensation was rather sweet and I just gave myself to it, until the trance lifted and I was left lying in my bed with the more simple kind of visions, the kind you have when you close your eyes and it's like a movie on your eyelids.

So what does all this mean? Well, the arguing with the guy in the beginning speaks of disagreement and how when Jesus comes into the room, into the mix, people who once disagreed are brought together because of the fact that they are now experiencing something so life changing together. There's something about going through a life changing experience with someone else, it doesn't matter if you naturally "click" or not, you are left with a close friend at the end of the experience. Maybe we'd have a lot less arguing in the Body of Christ if we would just start experiencing Jesus together. Maybe we'd be drawn into such a state of fascination that our petty little differences of opinion just wouldn't carry as much weight as they did before...

So what if I expected Him to look a certain way?! Don't look at me like I'm some horrible person or something, you've done it too... Jesus, in His holiness, just isn't into fitting our preconceived ideas about Him, and I have the impression that He might take particular joy in paying no attention to them when He shows up...

But once we come to know Him, we cannot believe that what we have seen of Him is how He will forever look to us, He will not allow us to get that comfortable with Him. If He didn't change His appearance, then I believe we would stop learning and therefore stop growing. I think that a lot of the problems in the Church come from people seeing Him at first and then not allowing Him to change how He looks, and so when someone else comes along claiming that He looks different we have a fit and begin to scream and yell about how "heretical" and "compromised" that person is (which is a great way to show the love of Christ I might add...).

The scripture says that we're all beholding Him as in a mirror dimly... Mirrors in those days were literally only polished metal, which is not very great if you want a detailed reflection... We need to have the humility to admit that we don't have all the answers about God.

Could you recognize Jesus if He showed up in a way and manner that you would never expect Him to? Or do you only trust what feels familiar?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Warn My people"

Date: September 2004

It was evening and I had my friends over at the house, we were all hanging out in the living room. I went into my room for a moment just to pray and see what's up with my Best Friend Jesus. As I did, I suddenly was caught into a trance and I saw an orange sky with huge boulders falling from it, people were running away from the boulders and screaming hysterically. Then the audible voice of God said, "Warn My people of the danger to come." The vision ended after that and I came out of the trance.
I'm no "doom and gloom" "cowboy" prophet. I think people who say every disaster is God's judgment need to take a New Testament 101 class in the school of the Spirit. I'm really not into all the negative prophecies and "prophets" who think that just because they have an anti-social disorder that makes them "God's chosen mouthpiece"... I'm over all of that. I found God and He wasn't there.
So don't take this the wrong way, because I'm not proclaiming God's judgment upon mankind or anything like that. That's not me. And no, I don't necessarily believe that literal boulders will be falling out of the sky any time soon. Prophetic language is often symbolic, that means that things aren't always straightforward, but hidden kinda like the parables that Jesus would tell.
Orange is often a color that is symbolic of danger or warning. Rocks, well... They represent "hard" times... Maybe it will turn out to be literal, but God never said it was, and I'm not reading between any lines here...
I think the Spirit is saying that hard times are ahead, and that we need to prepare our hearts for them. God isn't necessarily sending these times, or if He is He never told me, but He wants to let us know ahead of time. God warned Joseph of a famine that would come to the land of Egypt, but it wasn't so that He could declare God's judgment on the land, but so that they could be prepared for the day when it came. I think we need more prophets like that, salvation prophets and not judgment prophets. That being said, difficult times will come, but take courage, Jesus has overcome the world and He lives in us! I believe He is calling us to be Joseph's who will co-create strategies that will get us through these dark times ahead.
We need to stop thinking that God's warnings are His judgments and start thinking that they are His way of escape.
A month or so after I received this vision a prophetess in my area had a word for me that said, "You will warn My people of the danger to come..."
So, I guess this is me being obedient, difficult times are coming, but don't blame them on God.
At least that's the way I see it...