Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Prophetic Shaping

As I was seeking the Lord, suddenly I found myself looking at a tunnel in front of me.  I began to walk through this tunnel for a while until it opened up into a room with sand colored earthen walls with no ceiling, and it was cast in a blue hued light, much like the color of early dawn.  

Up ahead, I could see an anvil.  The Lord said to me, "This is the place where prophetic words are crafted in Heaven."  Slightly more interested than before, I began to walk towards the anvil.  When I got there I found a sword-smith at work.  I stood there for a moment, expecting something to happen that would reveal why the Lord brought me there, but nothing significant happened.  Then I had the brilliant idea of asking God a question!

"Why am I here?" I asked.  "To show you the process that a prophetic word has to go through before it can be released to benefit others." was His reply.  So, due to my keen perceptive skills, I decided to ask another question, "What is the process?"

Then the Lord told me to look to the right, and as I turned my head I saw a furnace cut into the wall.  Placed into the furnace so that only the handles were sticking out were a bunch of swords.  The Lord said, "The fire is the anointing, it produces zeal for the word of the Lord.  No true prophetic word can go forth unless it flows out of the anointing of My Spirit."

Then I watched as the sword-smith came over to the furnace and pulled a sword out and brought it over to the anvil.  The sword was glowing red hot, and the sword-smith began pounding it and shaping it with a hammer.  I asked the Lord, "What does this mean?"  He said, "This is the "down-load" (The hammer was a weight or "load" that was being dropped "down").  This is where the word takes shape and form and is crafted into a concept that has some intelligible definition.  No word can go forth unless it has been crafted and shaped by downloads from Heaven..."

Then after the sword-smith finished hammering the sword, he took it and he stuck it into a bucket of water, causing it to steam as it cooled.  I was perplexed as to why this process was necessary, why did it have to cool in water?  Why not the air?

The Lord said, this time without me asking, "So that others aren't "burned" by the word of the Lord, it must go through a cooling process.  This process is called "Wisdom".  Wisdom will cause the word to be released in a way that others can receive it without being harmed.  Without wisdom, your zeal will hurt people as you share with them the word of the Lord.  Anointing and Revelation aren't enough, wisdom must be matured into the prophet so that their zeal isn't harmful to others..."

Then I was pulled pack out through the same tunnel I came in through and the experience ended.

In order to mature in our prophetic calling, we need 3 things: The prophetic anointing from God, without which no prophetic word can come forth.  Then after the anointing, we need the download on what the Lord is saying, without which we will not have a prophetic ministry.  Then after we have the download, we need Wisdom, without which we will destroy our ministry by our reckless zeal.  

Pursue the Lord for these 3 things if you want your words to be released with the authority of Heaven...


  1. That's a powerful word, and so true! I needed to hear that, thank you.

  2. hey that's really neat. so true. my spirit agreed with it.

  3. Nice! So many people I know have been "burned" by prophetic words given. Wisdom(on the part of the giver)would have tempered that. I have wondered about that for a long time, because there has been a sense that the person giving the word did have a connection to God...this makes some sense out of it. Praise be to God!
