Wednesday, March 31, 2010

As you think so you are...

And so I dreamed...

I was in a house and a group of enemies pulled me outdoors. They then surrounded me and began shooting me with guns that were meant to shrink me and make me smaller...

Then the scene changed and I became a spectator watching myself from outside of my body (Although I didn't look like me). I was sitting in a church service, shaking and trembling from fear because I was so convinced I was small... I had a huge newspaper in front of me and I was hiding my face behind it...

I believed I was small and so I acted as though I was small, but the truth is that I wasn't small at all.

The truth is that the enemy has been telling the church that we are small for so long that we have begun to believe it. In fact, he's twisted the truth so badly that we think that believing the lie that we are small is humility! The name "Satan" means "Accuser", and in Revelations we are told that he is the accuser of the brethren...

The accuser of the brethren lost God's ear when Jesus ascended to the throne and so he came to the earth and gained the ear of the church. Now we accuse ourselves before God by believing the lies of the accuser that he tells us, and all the while we think that it's God telling us those things. The law (The testimony against us i.e. the newspaper I hid behind) empowered the accuser of the brethren, but once the law was taken away so was Satan's ministry of condemnation thrown out of Heaven.

So he came to the earth and has made the law his biggest weapon against the church. If he can get a little bit of law into our thinking, then he can derail our whole purpose on earth...

Condemned people don't look God in the eyes but rather keep their heads bowed from shame. Maybe this is why I've been religiously trained to bow my head, because deep down at the heart of who I am, I feel condemned and unworthy of God's affections. Maybe we were never meant to look down when we talk to God. Maybe the Devil has used the law to cut off our blood bought intimacy with the Father. I don't care if you bow your head, I do it too... I'm merely stating that it's a symptom of a much deeper problem that developed over church history...

If we are the ones that God is using for the expansion of His Kingdom on the earth, then wouldn't it make sense for the enemy to belittle us so that we lose our morale?

The truth is that if you feel small on the inside then you will behave small on the outside.

But I have news for you. You're not small. No, you're actually really potent. In fact, none other than God Himself lives within you. Dominion is yours and the Father's. You are right now reigning with Christ in Heavenly places.

Pride is believing anything that goes against what God has said about yourself. So when we view ourselves as small when God has called us His sons and daughters, it's not humility, it's just the opposite.

Church, arise! You have been set free!


  1. I think that identity as Christians is something that needs to be taught more in church. It's a topic that I think about quite often because I only recently really (almost 2 years ago) discovered who I was as a follower of Jesus.

    Perhaps I struggle w/ it more than you do, Jason, because I am Taiwanese American, but I don't really know you so that'd be just a guess.

    All of that to say, thank you for writing this blog entry. Bonus points for the lion picture.

  2. Right on brother. Amen and amen. Love that photo! Wow.
    Church arise from the grave, we are free in Christ!
    How long oh Lord? How long?

    Get on your knees tonight and cry out to your savior, and then get up! and join your brothers in the fight against the enemy.





  4. I specifically like this part:
    "Now we accuse ourselves before God by believing the lies of the accuser that he tells us, and all the while we think that it's God telling us those things."
