Monday, March 15, 2010

Joining Wisdom and the Prophetic

So the other night...

I was in a dream like state and I was thanking God for the fact that He delivered me from my old views on the prophetic ministry, namely that it was basically a harsh and unloving ministry of rebuke. I used to rationalize my lack of love by saying that it was "loving" to tell the "truth". Anyways, I was thanking God that He delivered me.

Then as I was waking from this dream like state, I heard this sentence:
"All that I am, without wisdom, is all that I was never meant to be."

I believe this is a prophetic word to prophetic people. I believe God is saying that if we don't learn how to operate in His wisdom, then we will never truly be a prophetic people. I believe that if we don't learn a little tact, then we will disqualify ourselves from being His mouthpieces.

God is moving us into a season in the prophetic where the only voices that endure will be those whose words are "seasoned with salt".

"There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18

It's time the prophetic matured beyond judgment.

Hear what I'm saying: If you are a prophetic person and you want to fulfill your calling, then learn wisdom. If you don't learn wisdom, you will be a loose cannon and you will end up causing more damage than your ministry is worth.

A lot of descriptions of the prophetic leave you thinking that to be a prophet you have to see everything in black and white, you have to expose sin in others and basically do everything that the New Testament tells us not to do... Leave these concepts behind.

False prophets come and they violate almost every social courtesy in the name of declaring the "truth" without "compromise". Then, when they are rejected because they simply aren't nice people, they think it's persecution and therefore a validation of their ministry. Thus the cycle goes on and on... Beloved, this is the mark of a person operating under a false prophetic anointing. Your destiny may even be as a prophet, but unless you break free of this pattern, you will never fulfill it.

In the days to come, God will be merging wisdom into the prophetic.

1 comment:

  1. This was really good! Don't know what more to say, except that I really agree with you on this. Without Love and Wisdom you can never really step into God's plan for your life.
