Thursday, July 1, 2010

"If Only My people would believe..."

It was evening time and I was waiting in silence before the Lord, which is one of my favorite things to do...

Suddenly, the presence of God came strongly upon me in such a way that it felt as though I was spinning forward in my spirit.

Next thing I know, my spirit is caught up into the throne room of God. I first found myself standing between two giant pillars... As I looked out from between them, I could see what seemed to be elders standing around.

Then I heard a booming voice, "Who is this that enters the council of God?"

I looked up to see that He who sat on the throne was huge and looked as though He were made of stone, yet He moved! I felt rather small before Him, I was only as tall as His ankle!

This wasn't exactly a calming moment, and I was quite intimidated as I walked into the center of the room, towards the throne of God Himself, and said, "It is I, Jason, Your servant, and I come to you in mercy... I mean humility..."

The right words were a bit hard to find...

While I was still taking in the fact that I had just destroyed all hope of sounding eloquent, He drew in His breath and let out a heavy sigh, and said, "If only My people would believe..."

The rapture ended and I was back in my room...

This powerful experience really challenged me on how I viewed the things that are most important to God.

To be honest, cultivating a mindset of faith wasn't at the top of my to-do list, and I really thought that if God would be tolerant of anything, it would be a lack of faith. Boy was I wrong!

In this experience, I did the same thing that I think many Christians do when we approach God, we have our eyes looking to the floor and we walk very carefully, because we think that having a lack of confidence before God is somehow pleasing to Him and is a sign of our humility...

Beloved, this behavior that manifests when we come into the presence of God has its roots in a powerful deception that says that we are somehow unworthy to come before Him... It is actually a spirit of condemnation who speaks accusations about us to our own consciences, planting a root of unbelief that causes us to mistrust the finished work of the Cross...

In this experience the Father gave me a glimpse into the burden in His heart, and His deep desire for His children to come before His throne with boldness! (Hebrews 4:16)

The Father desires those who would come before Him without any self doubt at all... His Spirit cries out for a generation to arise that is so confident in His heart for them and the fact that He has paid the whole price for their sins, that they simply won't see any logic in acting small and unsure of themselves before Him.

This generation won't need to be afraid of abusing the grace of God as though it were a license to sin, because such a thought would come contrary to their burning and passionate desire to go to greater depths with Him.

Don't let the enemy rob you of your confidence, don't let him tread upon the cleansing power of the blood of Christ!

Beloved, how sad it would be if we strive to fulfill all of the Christian virtues, and we end up missing the main point of everything that Jesus taught...



  1. I love it, It really gives me some things to live up to and to Ask the Lord for more of...FAITH!!

  2. I read this a few weeks ago and have been chewing on it ever since. I've seen that verse many times, heard it preached, and referenced it when trying to encourage others and myself; but imagining this kind of comical scene play out brings an understanding of what a bummer it must be for God for us to be coming to Him in that way time and time again. For me it's been a false humility and agreeing with the enemy's accusation that I am unworthy to be in His presence. It's really changed the way I come before the Lord and the way I pray, we have so much more fun together than we used to!
