Friday, July 23, 2010

The Spirit of Accusation

I was lying in bed sleeping when suddenly I was caught up into a vision trance.

Looking above me towards the ceiling of the room I was in, I could see a brown looking stain, as if some gross liquid had been spilled there, which I knew to be representative of my struggles with accusation.

Suddenly, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me so strongly that it felt like every single fiber of my being was saturated in Him; it started at the lower part of my body and went all the way up to my head and was everywhere except for... Except for my heart...

Then my attention was drawn to my friend whose bed was across the room from mine. An argument began to commence between the two of us. It got extremely heated and the vision ended with him using profanity and yelling at me.

The interpretation of this vision is simple. God is saying to me and to all of His church that the stain of gossip has blocked the heaven's for too long. He's saying that when slander and accusation remain in our lives, we cannot experience His presence in the fullness that He desires for us. All faultfinders end up with hardened hearts. The Lord is identifying the spirit of accusation as being the reason there is so much division in the Body of Christ. Unity commands the blessing, so what does disunity do?

Reflecting upon this and looking back over the course of my life I can see clearly now what I could not see when I was immersed in this spirit of accusation...

The entire Summer of 2008 I had been speaking out against a particular set of ministers. I called them "false prophets" and the like, which are very common titles to throw around when you have the same disease that I did... To me, most churches were "off" (except, predictably, my own) and the majority of present day ministers were full of compromise for not preaching my flavor of Jesus... I was an expert at seeing specks in other people's eyes...

My insecurity caused me to marginalize genuine prophets who disagreed with my past opinions with titles like "False Prophet", and if somebody didn't agree with my points of doctrine I actually thought they were preaching a false gospel!

What's funny is that I was actually creating a false gospel by adding criteria other than faith in Jesus' death, burial and resurrection in order to be a "real Christian"...

I wonder how many churches could be built by collecting the logs from all our eyes...

We've got some uprooting to do.

"For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another..." (Galatians 5:14-15).

1 comment:

  1. I remember that summer. Lol. It's amazing how HE matures us and imparts grace, isn't it? So glad to hear about what HE is doing in and through you. Blessings brother.

    -phil knudsen
