Friday, August 13, 2010


"My child,
purity is meant to be a gateway for you to enter into new realms in the spirit. It is meant to take you into a deeper phase of encounter with Me, a deeper intimacy with My Spirit.
It is much more than a way to receive blessings from Me so that your life will go smoothly and so that no harm will come to you... "
"Purity is more than a bridge to cross in order to get where you're going, it is a gateway that leads to encounters with Me. I will establish it in you to take you into new heights in the Spirit..."
"Who may ascend My hill? He who has clean hands and a pure heart..."
"I am equipping you with a new level of purity that will work as a life vest that keeps you afloat as you swim through the oceans of chaos in this life..."
"I release a new grace in you that makes you pure, it will only come as you pursue My Presence, and it will be the substance of the salvation that I have given you; the fruit by which My children are known..."
"I have called you to inner simplicity, My refining fire will burn away the elements in your life that hinder your simplicity, and so you will be simply pure... Complications lead to impurity because the more complicated you are, the more fragmented your soul will become. When you are fragmented, you become detached from your spirit, which is where My Spirit dwells within you, and this will hinder your ability to discern My presence...
When you are fragmented you are broken. Fragmentation makes your spiritual eye a broken window, hindering your ability to see clearly..."
"Simplicity keeps you centered and whole. It will keep your eyes clear... I am bringing you into a season of clarity, My will is going to become obvious to you. Your spiritual eyes will see much more as you allow your eye to focus on Me alone. Visions will increase..."
"My heart for you is that you would have a carefree life, one without worry or anxiety. Peace and joy I release to you as the first-fruits of this purity that is coming. It will only come as you spend time in My Presence, it is impossible for you to produce it for yourself. As you seek Me in the hidden place of your heart, My Spirit will build up and grow within you and your spirit shall conform to Mine. My purity I give freely beloved..."
"As you seek My face with a pure heart, your spirit will grow teeth to chew the revelation that I feed you, thus allowing the food of Heaven to go deep into your spirit and assimilate into you..."
"A lack of purity will not give you the ability to properly chew the food that I want to give to you, and thus I will have to keep feeding you the food of babes..."
"The purity I place inside of you will attract an increase in revelation."
"My child, I am not calling you to legalism, no law can do this awesome work that I will do within you; but you shall walk in harmony with My Spirit. Your spirit shall reach the same harmonic frequency as the love song that I sing over creation, and you shall become the very vibrations of My voice on the Earth.."
"I shall save you from spiritual anemia with the purity that I give to you..."
"With this new work I do shall also come the ability to navigate the realm of the spirit successfully. Your passion will open you up to the spirit realm, but My purity is what will keep you safe when you are there... My purity shall work as a repellent to the demonic and it shall ensure you no mixture in your spiritual encounters..."
"All of these things I shall do within you, My work will be housed within your earthen vessel..."
"My purity shall qualify you for ministry, for I have no desire to pour waters from an unclean tea pot and serve it to others. My purity shall empower your longevity..."

"Purity is a gateway..."


  1. Aewesome word. Let it be!

  2. This confirms and builds on what God has been teaching me! He's been leading me into a new level of purity and when I started to notice I had more calirty and ability to navigate in the spirit He said to me, "purity directly affects your ability to access and operate in the spirit realm." And I have been experiencing more joy and peace than I ever have before. God is so good.
