Sunday, November 14, 2010


I was laying down in bed trying to talk with God, when I suddenly was in a multidimensional state of consciousness...

Out of my window, in the distance, I literally see this vision with my physical eyes, although my eyes are closed, go figure that one out! This experience is called an "Internal Open Vision"

In the distance behind the tree line, I begin to see a bright light arise. At first I wasn't sure if it was the sun or the moon, but as I continued watching it became clear that it was the moon. It was moving through the sky at an amazingly fast rate, it went from the horizon all the way to the 12 o'clock position in a matter of a second or two. Then I have to fight my bodily paralysis to regain consciousness...

Immediately the interpretation of this experience was downloaded to me from Heaven. God has accelerated the times and the end is coming fast. The amount of time until the judgement is greatly reduced.

In scripture we find that the "luminaries" were created to be "for signs and seasons" and that they are directly correlated to time. The moon being accelerated was symbolic of time being accelerated and of the soon return of our coming King!

After I received this vision, I felt led to go and turn on my Television to the news station. When I did, I saw that Israel had just invaded the Gaza strip (I received this vision back on June 26 2006). This invasion led to a war with Lebanon shortly thereafter.

Watch Israel, for it is God's timeline.

(And this is coming from a person who is totally confused about the end times and might lean towards partial preterism!)

1 comment:

  1. wow man, that is intense... When you say "watch Israel, for it is God's timeline" is that something God told you, or a slogan I have not heard before? It certainly feels like we are living in accelerated times.
