Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Battle for Planet Earth - Part 3

... The wait was longer than any of us would have expected, but it was certain that it would not last forever. The great last battle was coming with all certainty, and we were given the great task of learning to operate as an army in unity with one another instead of fragmenting into smaller factions and trying to overcome the army of the evil one all alone...
As I looked back towards the line of angels that were holding this last battle at bay, I saw that underneath them was a river. I immediately understood what this river represented, it was the river flowing from the throne room of God, the Holy Spirit! I was made to understand that in order for us as the body of Christ to advance against the legions of the enemy, we would first have to all go through this river at the same time. We had to be in unity in crossing this river. The only way for us to have a standing chance of defeating the enemy in the days to come is if the body of Christ comes into a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit and we all have to stay in unity during it! We have been terrible in this, and this is why we as of yet do not see the enemy defeated. So I knew that the angels would resist us unless our entire army crossed together at the same time...
As I looked back up towards the angels faces, I saw a silent frustration and the question that rested on their minds, "How long until they get it right and they fulfill our Master's high priestly prayer that they would be one?"

At this point, as I looked to see more in the vision, all I saw was a hand outstretched towards me that resembled someone directing traffic and telling you to stop. I took this to mean that the vision was ended, the message God wants to speak through this is complete.

We are left to accomplish our task. How long until unity comes? Let it be with us, my friends, let our generation be the generation that arises as one army and creates the atmosphere for a global outpouring that decimates the ranks of Hell and leaves them shattered and fleeing! Let us rise up as the victorious bride and settle the division within our body once and for all!

Let us be one, even as He is One...