Sunday, September 12, 2010

Battle for Planet Earth - Part 2

(continued from last post)
...After those things happened to me I looked in the distance and in the distance I saw a huge mountain that had flashes of lightening and thunder around it, as though a huge storm were forming. Suddenly I was soaring through the air with an aerial view of the landscape beneath me. I could see that behind the mountain were the lands of the enemy. A vast army was being assembled, and they were stirred up preparing themselves to make one last, final march through the earth.
Then I flew back to where I was standing with the crowds around me. Their arms were now fully grown out and it was slowly dawning on everyone that they were on the thresholds of a great battle. I could see the fear in their faces as it dawned on them that there was a storm headed their way. I saw that although they could now drink for themselves the water of life, they were still drinking out of my spring and looking to me for their spiritual strength. Then it was revealed to me that each one of them had to go through the process that I had gone through; coming to Christ as their own personal rock and relying upon His grace to defeat their own personal demons so that the waters could flow from them and they could face the army of demons that was coming...
My personal victory became a corporate spring, but God wanted to make them springs as well. I saw God's strategy in bringing revival into their own lives first and then spreading it to others and from that process, we would have an army that was large enough to face the enemy.
We now entered the time of "The Great Awakening" or I heard the phrase "The First Resurrection" where every believer became a revivalist equal to the great men of old, and thus we would reach more and more of the lost, creating a last minute army that was the greatest army for the Lord that the earth had ever seen...
Then suddenly the sky opened up above us and all of the stars could be seen shining in their brightness, and I knew this to be symbolic of angelic activity being increased in these times and that the church and the angels would co-labor together that we would know the meaning of being "Fellow ministers of the gospel". As I watched I saw all the stars fall down to the earth, creating a barrier of protection between us and the hordes of hell.
They were postponing the war to come and giving us much needed time to gather our army together. But the angels weren't just holding back the hordes of hell from advancing against us but they were also holding back the church from attacking too soon!
Once again, having an aerial view over the battlefield, I could see different sections of peoples shouting a specific war cry as they ran away from the rest of the army and tried to get past the angels to defeat the hordes of hell. I intuitively knew that although these people's hearts were right, that they were being impatient and unwilling to wait for the rest of the church. For in this last great battle, it is going to take the entire church to be in unity.
And so there was a tension in the air, a sense of a coming storm, but awaiting for it to come.
(to be continued)

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