Monday, September 6, 2010

The Battle for Planet Earth - Part 1

I received this powerful vision on my birthday yesterday! It came to me during various degrees of "trance", which is an experience that is found in the scriptures as well as a common experience for prophetic people throughout church history. Because of the length of the vision, I have decided to post it as a series to condense the amount of words I have to write for each post.

While I was waiting upon the Lord, I found myself standing in a desert wasteland. An angel came and was bringing me small amounts of water at the beginning of my time in this desert. I looked up into the sky and I saw the sun shining overhead, and I realized that this was the light of God shining down upon me, illuminating the world for me to see. I suddenly knew that this light was available to me, but it wasn't available to the demonic hosts or to the lost, but that they had to navigate these lands in total darkness...
As I walked I was made aware of the fact that waters were following me wherever I went, under the ground beneath me.

On my right up ahead, I came to a huge rock. I was aware that this rock represented Christ. As I walked closer and approached the rock, I saw crouched on top of it a black bat-like demon looking down at me. As I looked up at him, he scurried behind the rock and hid, distracting my focus from the rock and causing me to worry about when and where this demon would pop up to attack me... I believe that this demon's assignment was to keep me away from engaging experientially with Christ using a fear that demons would get me if I did...

(At this point, I went into a powerful trance, it hit me extremely hard)

I felt in my spirit that I was to ignore the demon, and just to focus on the rock, so I struck the rock with a staff in my hand. Suddenly I realized the strategy of God in this, that I wasn't to fight the demon, but I was to engage the rock and the strength of the rock would conquer the demon for me! As this instantaneous download happened, suddenly the rock literally blew up! The pressure of the burst of energy from the rock sent the demon soaring through the sky and off into some distant land... This is symbolic of how Christ's victory through the destruction of His flesh on the cross is the only thing we can place our trust in when it comes to warfare, not our theology, not our ability to discern evil spirits and battle them. The only victory over the enemy comes through recognizing that Christ has already defeated him...
Then, from the ground where the rock once stood, a spring of water began to flow. The water that once followed me underground wherever I went then began to manifest itself. It flowed out and covered the land, spreading all over! The water was changing the atmosphere of the desert! I cupped the waters in my hand, and I saw that they were extremely beautiful waters... I intuitively knew that these waters represented the Holy Spirit...
At this point, I wasn't sure what to do as I stood in the water, but I felt the Lord direct me to start splashing around, playing and having a good time in them. So I did! As I did, I began to see crowds of people gathering just outside of the waters edge, looking at me as I played and splashed around.
I came to the realization that the way to win people over isn't to leave the water and enter into dryness to tell them about how good the water is, but rather we just have to enjoy the water thoroughly and have a blast in it , and the outsiders will naturally gravitate towards us. Thirsty people are drawn to water... We preach the Anointing of God best by displaying it, not by theorizing about it!

So I expected them to come and begin to drink the water, but as I looked at them I began to notice that none of them had any arms!
As I pondered how horrible it was that they didn't have any arms and therefore that they wouldn't be able to bring the water to their mouths to drink I heard the Lord ask me, "Will you be their arms?"
Of course I was willing to do whatever the Lord asked me to; but I had within myself a concern that if I was the one giving them spiritual drink all the time that they would never learn how to drink on their own.
As I thought about this, the Lord showed me the regenerative qualities of the water, and that as I gave them water to drink their arms would actually grow back out so that they could drink the water for themselves!
Resounding through my mind was the voice of the Lord reaffirming my call to help those drink of His Spirit who aren't yet able to on their own...

(To be continued)

1 comment:

  1. Very encouraging - was a revelation to me. Thanks for sharing, Jason. See you around on campus, Asanja
